
Confidentiality and integrity are essential in enabling SCJS Europe to build sustainable partnerships between ministries, agencies and public administrations. Our organisation focuses on improving the safety of citizens and communities by delivering projects that support victims and witnesses of crime.
Established under Belgian Law, our mission is to streamline the implementation of the Rule of Law by foreign administrations, focusing on delivering capacity and capability projects that resonate with the values, ethics, and aspirations shared by European Member States and the EU Commission.
SCJS Europe develops specific activities including the following specific activities:
Delivery of public services
Institutional capacity building at regional and national level, reinforcing of national policy, improving of institutional capacities in legal, regulatory, control, scientific-technical support and law enforcement domains;
Enhancing cooperation with international organisations and EU Member States to ensure synergy and avoid duplication of efforts.
Strengthening the Rule of Law
SCJS Europe specialises in delivering international capacity building initiatives, transnational development projects, impact assessments, and training & advisory services.
Our activities contribute to overarching ‘Rule of Law’ principles, primarily in the criminal justice sector. We have significant experience in successfully implementing difficult projects in the most challenging environments.
Our Services
Criminal Justice Capacity Building
SCJS Europe can enhance the capability of organisations working within the criminal justice and law enforcement sector, improving efficiency and effectiveness. It has extensive experience in the delivery of capacity building criminal justice projects across the globe, employing established project management practices with qualified project management personnel.
Please click on the following link to view our current capability portfolio for SCJS Europe
Learning Development & Specialist Training
SCJS Europe has access to an extensive network of subject matter experts and qualified, experienced trainers. Our staff are able to design, develop and deliver specialist blended learning training programmes, in key areas across the law enforcement and criminal justice sectors. SCJS Europe has the capability to design conventional and digital learning solutions that are designed with consultation.
Where required SCJS Europe can arrange and coordinate professional internships with both law enforcement and criminal justice organisations within EU countries and elsewhere.
Accession& Candidate Country Support
SCJS Europe is well placed and experienced in supporting accession and candidate countries to progress their criminal justice entry requirements for membership of the EU.
Capacity & Capability Assessments
SCJS Europe is familiar with International/EU standards and good practice across the criminal justice sector. SCJS Europe is able to conduct in depth scoping visits to identify capability gaps and recommend potential solutions. Whether that be at regional, national, organisational or departmental level, SCJS Europe works with partner countries to construct solutions that work within their legal context.
SCJS Europe is able to facilitate study visits to European Union countries and elsewhere in the world, in order to support criminal justice reform programmes.
Management of Biometric Data
The legal, political and technical considerations concerning the exchange of biometric data can be complex. SCJS Europe has significant international experience in finding sustainable solutions to overcome associated challenges.
Information & Intelligence Systems
SCJS Europe staff have significant operational expertise in handling information and intelligence in accordance with EU standards. We can provide advice and support to countries wishing to develop their intelligence capability as well as preparing and delivering bespoke training packages as required.